Here we are and we are half-way through July. I don’t know where the time has gone. I have never gone this long without writing an update in the eight years that I have been doing this. That just shows me that I have been swallowed up with enjoying family and friends in a way that I haven’t done in years. We have celebrated our anniversary with a quiet but lovely dinner at Manoir Hovey on June 21st.

Then we shipped Libby off to camp with her friend Pippa on the 26th of June with lots of travel drama involved. Flights got cancelled at 1:30AM so there was a hustle to get the girls on another plane. Ultimately everyone got where they needed to get to. Now Libby is off somewhere north of Churchill Falls in Newfoundland/Labrador paddling her way to Ungava Bay. Can’t even tell you where that is really. The map below shows you sort of what or where she is going. It took them two days to drive there and now they are in a canoe (7 canoes actually) and paddling in the middle of some very beautiful country. What an experience. Her brother Jack is head staff of a young boys group paddling in and around Lake Temagami.

Grand Parent Take #2

So with the big kids off on their adventures, the littlest grandchild arrived to spend two weeks in North Hatley. What a joy to have her here. She immediately fell in love with her cousins who live next door. She referred to them as her brothers and they certainly treated her well. Every day they would either come over to find her or invite her to their house to play on the beach or they would find her at the club and make sure she was having fun. They went canoeing and kayaking, played tennis, attended story hour, and did swim lessons all without any complaints from anyone. If ever there was a more perfect summer for a three year old I don’t know about it. In the above photo they are helping her blow out the candles on her Mum’s birthday cake.
The Birthday Party

This house has hosted some might fine birthday parties in its day and this one was definitely one of the better ones. We had John’s 60th, my mother’s 80th and now Margot’s 50th on the porch and lots of others in between. It was a perfect evening. Over the five days of the birthday weekend we had a grand total of 19 people go through the house. Two folks lived in the “new” loft bedroom in the garage (they loved it) and one couple left and then another arrived. Bedrooms were switched around and John and I lived next door with my brother and sister-in-law and the “brothers” for 5 nights. We also had four dogs (4) and two cats and two pregnant ladies just to make it more interesting. It was a magical and wonderful time. By the time everyone left and John and I moved back home this was the sweetest spot I could imagine being full of even more wonderful memories of a big celebration.

And Then The Rains Came…..
The lake is rising, there are big stones to hold the dock in place and we hope that it won’t rain anymore.