Week 30-31 – A Quick Update

Here it is almost the middle of August already. The view out my window has changed already and it looks like fall. The green on the hills is much darker now, the sky has that fall look about it and the nights are much cooler.

Our food and drink for 10 days on Mike’s barge.

We are recently returned from our “annual” trip to Lake Temagami to attend the end of camp festivities at Camp Wabun. It was all we expected and then some. Grandson Jack had a terrific summer and said it certainly is different being a head staff vs an assistant staff being responsible for those wonderful kids in his care. They had a great time and seemed like a really good group of boys who all had big smiles on their faces when we saw them.

Jack giving his trip report at the closing campfire

I don’t even know where to begin to talk about Libby’s summer. Her trip was more than any of us ever could have dreamed of for her and her section. We have only just hit the tip of the iceberg with the stories but I hope she will share more with us as time goes on. By the way, she can pronounce the names of the towns they were in like a native. I can’t even spell the names. “Look at me” she said “I’m in the back of a pickup truck in Kangiqsualujjuaq and I have a caribou rack on my lap” followed by “I never thought that would be me”. This was after traveling for 38 days in a canoe to get there. From what she said there was a very nice young man who helped them with their gear and then he took them on a tour of “his” town. Oh my.

Just caught the two of them when they didn’t know I was looking, this picture says it all.

All three grandchildren have new adventures this fall. Jack has to figure out what his next steps are while working towards his EMT and FireFighter I, Libby is heading off to Colorado College as a freshman and Edie is starting at Carolina Day School in their Pre-K program. What adventures they have ahead.

I think there is a Barbi buried in there somewhere

Meantime, I am sitting in my bedroom, in isolation, because somewhere along the trip I contracted Covid. I’ve been pretty sick for four days but am beginning to feel better. This is not something to take lightly. Even though I have had all the vaccinations that I could get I am still sick. Just recently lost my sense of taste so food isn’t all that interesting. Drinking lots of water, taking the Tylenol/Advil cocktail (recommended by doctor) and resting. John is taking good care of me but I really don’t want him around as I don’t want him to get sick although how he could avoid it after being in the car with me for 10 hours on Thursday (the night I got sick) I’ll never know.