Welcome November

This week certainly went fast. Right smack in the middle of the week we had the “real” Halloween. Nothing happening here as we had the big Trick or Treat on Sunday but in other parts of the world they did their Trick or Treat on the actual day. Our littlest was a bat for Halloween and I must say it is one of the best costumes I have ever seen. Don’t you agree?

The First Snowflake

In addition, we had our first light snow flakes fall. Nothing much but enough to remind us that winter was just around the corner. We looked out and saw that the top of Libby’s black car was all white so I went to the back door and turned on the outside lights to try and get a picture. Percy did not know what to make of it – just wait until you wake up one morning and there are six inches on the ground young man – then you will have your first taste of winter. I suspect since he rather likes the cold that he will be more like Wyke than Bean when it comes to the snow. While on the subject of dogs, I found the following and got rather a chuckle from it.

You can see why I had a good laugh. However, we are lucky that we have Sky who lives across the street and she loves all our dogs, especially Percy the puppy, so if I ever get an idea about a fourth I just go there for a play date. This is what four dogs looks like playing with a new game.

Walking This Week

It was back on the Pelaton starting November 1st. Both Katie and I committed to starting up again especially as we know the weather is changing. Poor Kate got up to do her walk and the tread, which had been quiet for some months, wouldn’t start. She fiddled around with extension cords thinking there might be a problem with the outlets and eventually figured out that it needed a reset and then a software update. So her time was cut a bit short but at least she got out there. Jack took the dogs for a walk which gave me a break so I got on the tread and was pleasantly surprised to find that I really enjoyed it. Such a very different experience versus walking in the woods with the dogs but still enjoyable and what a work out. We did manage quite a few outdoor walks as well, one in the afternoon after a morning workout on the tread and the light was gorgeous. Our walks on the rail trail, one of which was four miles which guaranteed all dogs and Lulu had good naps, was also beautiful.

Cooking This Week

Our minds turned to slightly more hearty meals and we ended the week with a delicious pot roast from our favorite Half-Baked Harvest cook. It was served with the most delicious potatoes I think I have ever had. Here you go!

Cider Braised Pot Roast with Crispy Sage Butter Potatoes.


1 3-4 pound beef chuck roast
kosher salt and black pepper
2 tablespoons flour
6 tablespoons salted butter
3 yellow onions, thinly sliced
4 shallots, halved
2 cups apple cider
2 cups chicken broth or dry white wine
2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons apple butter
1 pound small to medium potatoes
1/4 cup fresh sage leaves
1 teaspoon garlic powder
flaky sea salt



  1. Preheat the oven to 325° F.
  2. Season the roast with salt and pepper, then rub with flour to coat. Heat a large oven-safe Dutch Oven over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon butter and the onions, cook for 5 minutes, until softened. Add the shallots and a 1/2 cup apple cider, season with salt and pepper. Continue cooking another 5 minutes, until the onions are very lightly golden. Add the thyme, then snuggle the roast into the onions and slather the top of the roast with apple butter. Add the remaining 1 1/2 cups of cider and the wine.
  3. Arrange the potatoes around the roast. Cover and roast for 2 1/2 to 3 hours or until very tender.
  4. Crank the heat on the oven to 425° F. Remove the potatoes, placing them on a baking sheet. Using the back of a fork or a potato masher, smash each potato. Arrange 5 tablespoons of butter on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle each with garlic powder, then add the sage. Roast until the potatoes are crispy, 20-25 minutes. Spoon the butter and sage over the potatoes. Season with sea salt.
  5. During the same time, return the roast, uncovered, to the oven. Cook 20-30 minutes, until deeply caramelized on top. If needed add broth/wine to keep the onions just barely covered.
  6. Serve the pot roast topped with sea salt, gravy, and onions. Serve the potatoes on the side. Enjoy!

CROCKPOT (We did the Crockpot version)

  1. Season the roast with salt and pepper, then rub with flour to coat. Arrange 1 tablespoon of butter, then onions, then shallots in the bowl of your crockpot. Season with salt and pepper. Snuggle the roast into the onions and slather the top of the roast with apple butter. Add the thyme, apple cider, and wine.
  2. Arrange the potatoes around the roast. Cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours or on high for 3-4 hours.
  3. Crank the heat on the oven to 425° F. Remove the potatoes, placing them on a baking sheet. Using the back of a fork or a potato masher, smash each potato. Arrange 5 tablespoons of butter on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle each with garlic powder, then add the sage. Roast until the potatoes are crispy, 20-25 minutes. Spoon the butter and sage over the potatoes. Season with sea salt.
  4. Serve the pot roast topped with sea salt, gravy, and onions. Serve the potatoes on the side. Enjoy!
This entry was posted on November 5, 2023, in journey. Bookmark the permalink.