Week 20 – gobsmacked plenty

I am in Dartmouth Hitchcock after suffering a mild heart attack early this morning.  I am stunned to say the least.  For three years I have taken such good care of myself and bam, blindsided.  It has shaken my belief in my ability to heal and care for myself.  Don’t know what tomorrow will bring but some sort of procedure and then the drugs.  I have already had more drugs in 12 hours than I have had in the last 12 years.  What do functional medicine docs have to say about this or naturopaths?  I don’t know but I’ll be rethinking and reevaluating based on the information I have available to me.  Right now I feel good just apprehensive about what they will find tomorrow.  Scared, heck yes, I don’t do hospitals and surgery well, especially if it is me.

The docs and nurses agree I am pretty darn healthy and that genetics is the loaded gun.  My dad died at 55 of a heart attack.  However, they also said that lifestyle and what you eat is what pulls the trigger.  I thought I had that nailed but now I think I have to prove it.  Get better and even more healthy.

I have tried to handle the stress in my life but I guess not well enough.  Have to rethink that too.  Mtre meditation and yoga.  The folks here say that is far worse than diet and lifestyle.  Didn’t know that.

Well, we shall see what we shall see.  Let go and go with the flow and see where this adventure will take.  I am not giving up.



11 thoughts on “Week 20 – gobsmacked plenty

  1. Lou, Lou, we were just finishing dinner with the Bergs when Annie called. I cannot believe it. Of all the people in the world you would be the last I’d ever expect. I would call you, but want to respect your rest and healing. We are stunned and thinking of you and we’ll talk to John in the AM. Love you so much,
    Ash, Bob, Pam and Ed.

  2. Lou, Your fantastic lifestyle changes can only help your healing. Nothing is the answer for everything, things happen. We love you.

  3. Sorry about the setback, but I know you’ll be fine soon. My dad died at 49 from diabetes. My mother at 92; I have chosen to inherit my mother’s genes.
    Hope your docs support wine as good medication…
    Be strong and get well fast!

  4. I’m shocked!!! Just spent such a wonderful time with you and John….thank goodness for your healthy lifestyle, and your positive attitude!!! Stay strong……love, hugs, and prayers.

  5. Lou: Keep imagining yourself in perfect health. You may have done damage to your heart when your diet was not as good as it is now. It takes the body a long time to heal and detoxify. You also have genetics at play here.
    Just know that there are no accidents in the universe . You will now slow down your life so that stress is not a factor.Having two homes,constant visitors, and travel can cause an underlying stress on the body.
    You body will heal itself and you will be in perfect health.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. See Dr. Hyman if need be or someone in functional medicine for a more natural approach. xoxo

  6. Lou, I am shocked to read your news. I know how healthy you are, and how (seemingly) stress free and positive about everything in life. Sometimes our bodies simply don’t behave as we want them to. I hope things improve steadily. Hope to see you in North Hatley soon.

  7. So sorry to hear. Nib y had a stint put in 10 days ago and we are now in Sandy Cove for a week. He is fine and so will you be. We are sending positive energy your way.

  8. Louise, sorry to hear this news, thinking of you and please rest as much as you can. xoxo

  9. good morning Lou I presume you are somewhere being very well taken care of today in the hospital, perhaps an angioplasty these things are good. you know my older brother Grant had a heart attack when he was 42 and as we kiddingly say once the angioplasty/draino was used it seem to have held him and good Stead as he is now 68 years old.
    on the topic of stress I wonder if you heard of a Dr. jon Cabot-Zinn? he’s a pioneer in stress management I think he is at the University of Massachusetts the first book I got of his was called “wherever you go there you are” the title made me really laugh. he’s very well-known for “full catastrophe living”
    The other one I have but have not read is called ” coming to our senses” healing ourselves andthe world through mindfulness just thought I would share this with you.
    you really have been inspiring and I have enjoyed your blog I was thinking of starting one myself about my thoughts on creativity and self-care title “to dwell within oneself safely is the greatest gift of all”
    I hope this day brings you some very good results and lots of information please keep us posted big hugs and prayers Lizxx

  10. good morning Lou I presume you are somewhere being very well taken care of today in the hospital, perhaps an angioplasty these things are good. you know my older brother Grant had a heart attack when he was 42 and as we kiddingly say once the angioplasty/draino was used it seem to have held him and good Stead as he is now 68 years old.
    on the topic of stress I wonder if you heard of a Dr. jon Cabot-Zinn? he’s a pioneer in stress management I think he is at the University of Massachusetts the first book I got of his was called “wherever you go there you are” the title made me really laugh. he’s very well-known for “full catastrophe living”
    The other one I have but have not read is called ” coming to our senses” healing ourselves andthe world through mindfulness just thought I would share this with you.
    you really have been inspiring and I have enjoyed your blog I was thinking of starting one myself about my thoughts on creativity and self-care title “to dwell within oneself safely is the greatest gift of all”
    I hope this day brings you some very good results and lots of information please keep us posted big hugs and prayers Lizxx

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