What have we been doing for the last two weeks? Well, we have been on the road. We made a quick adjustment to our trip and left on Sunday, May 7th, after a request from the Asheville family that we try and spend a day with them before heading to Tennessee. They are in the process of moving and asked for a little help and moral support which we were glad to share. I packed boxes and John improved the front door.

We spent Monday night and Tuesday in Asheville driving to Shippensburg, PA on Sunday and then to Asheville on Monday. Tuesday we helped out around the house and Wednesday we did errands, bought the last minute fresh stuff from Harris Teeter and drove to 3 Dog Farm in Sewanee, TN. We arrived and unloaded all the food and drink that we had filled the car with from New Hampshire. Thanks to good friends Sally & David, we had the most wonderful cooler that kept all the ribs, macaroni & cheese, spinach dip etc. frozen or extremely cold. Katie and Libby arrived about 7:30pm having flown in to Chattanooga from New Hampshire. Just imagine us sitting on the porch with a glass of wine actually living a dream we had in November of 2019 when we booked the house. We couldn’t believe it.

Thursday we hosted a bar-b-que for Jack and his fire department pals as well as at least 40 other wonderful folks who showed up down by the lake on campus where Jack manned the grill, cooking those ribs that we brought from New Hampshire and eating all the food we had made. Nothing left over.

Friday Margot, Hadley and Edie arrived from Asheville. Now the house was full as well as the little camp house that was down by the edge of the lake. We were all there. Katie had organized everything with a Graduation outline which we used as our guide to not forget anything and to make sure we had our schedule of where to be when. Of course, she is an Event Planner so what else would you expect? Saturday was the Baccalaureate in the Chapel. It was beautiful and very meaningful, especially for John and me who truly love the solemnity of the service. I cried when Jack walked in.

The picture was taken from the video that was posted all throughout the chapel but we did see him go by in person. Seeing him with his fire department badge just did me in. So proud of him. The service was beautiful and full of tradition, most of it in Latin. We listened to Margaret Renkl who gave the address and we were transfixed. She received an Honorary Degree and then spoke to the congregation with such a passion for this world and all that is in it. Her closing words were “The world is beautiful. People are good.” Remember that whenever you get discouraged about life. I still get teary when I think of all she said. The young in the congregation were transfixed as were we. Afterwards we gathered out on the lawn for the first family picture.

Saturday night there was a band and dance party at the Alumni House with fireworks. We went to it for awhile but it wasn’t our cup of tea and the noise of the fireworks scared Edie despite the fact that she had noise cancelling headphones on. It was much quieter at 3 Dog Farm.
Sunday was the Commencement. Only the students and the faculty were able to be in the chapel the rest of us were out on the lawn. However, when it came time to receive their degrees, the graduates came out through a side door, across the stage and then went back into the chapel, so we got to see him get the degree in person. The picture at the top of this missive is taken from the live feed on my phone as it was a little delayed so I had time to do screen prints. Once it was all done we gathered for more pictures and hugs and tears.

We couldn’t be more proud of all Jack has accomplished in his four years at Sewanee. The highlight of the day was when Edie asked to go for a ride in a fire truck and our own Captain Jack Walker took his whole precious family (he called us that) for a ride through campus and up to the lookout. I don’t know who was more thrilled, Edie or her grandmother. I had never ridden in a firetruck before. It was the icing on the cake.

So my friend, now you know why you haven’t heard from me for two weeks. I was too busy just living each and every day with as much gusto and joie de vivre as I could. Next up – Elizabeth Walker who will graduate next Saturday after four wonderful years at Proctor Academy. Talk about a proud and happy family.