Welcome September

We expect September (sometimes even in August) to bring with it some cool nights and bright crisp days. For a brief moment, last week, we actually had some bluebird days and some excellent sleeping temperatures. The air conditioners are gone from the windows and wouldn’t you know it, we are expecting ridiculously high temperatures for the next few days. In Canada we say celsius of 30 to 40 humidex, I think that is hot no matter what you call it. Here’s what’s been happening for the last few weeks.

Covid is No Fun

Right after, in fact the day of, returning from camp I came down with Covid. Somehow I had managed to avoid it over the last few years but it finally caught up with me and boy did it ever. It took me a full 14 days to get to the point where I tested negative and even then I didn’t feel all that great. No energy, exhausted and, I admit, depressed and I just couldn’t get motivated to do much. However, we had planned a trip to Asheville to attend a housewarming and baby sprinkle party at Margot and Hadley’s new house. It was hosted by Hadley’s parents and her best friend. They felt, rightly so, that they were cheated out of a party when Edie was on the way because of Covid so this time they wanted to celebrate. Yes, there is a baby coming in November. No, we don’t know what it is which is just fine with us. We flew down, leaving ridiculously early (like getting up at 3:00am and leaving the house at 3:30am – I said AM) to get to the airport in Manchester for a 6AM flight. We made it with time to spare. Easy flights down with arrival at a decent time to enjoy most of the day. We had a new Air B&B as our favorite one had moved to Florida. This one was big enough for John, me and Katie to stay and was literally right around the corner from the Moberghs. Below is Edie playing with a tent made out of the sofa bed in the living room.

I am not going to talk about the trip home as it was pretty awful. We had a flight canceled, a flight delay because of weather, another delay and then we arrived back home at 2:00AM, yup I said 2AM. Flying just isn’t what it used to be and I am seeing way too much of the middle of the night.

Grandparent 2.0

Libby and Edie both started at new schools within days of each other. Edie is now attending Carolina Day School and is in their Pre-K program. She even has to wear a uniform. Libby, on the other hand, is now ensconced at Colorado College and she does not have to wear a uniform. Nice room though. I love that I get to do this all over again. Two grandchildren mostly grown-up and another one just starting out. If I could have wished this I certainly would have. I just love it. We were on pick-up duty for one day after we got there and were able to go out for lunch and enjoy plenty of us time. Such a treat.

The Great Grand Dog

Meet Percy. He is grandson Jack’s new puppy. A mini-Australian Shepherd that Jack drove to Georgia to pick-up. We all met in Asheville for the party and we were introduced to this absolutely adorable pup. He is devoted to Jack already and will, I am sure, become a very special companion. Jack had already trained him to do all kinds of commands which was most impressive. He just likes to try out his baby teeth on everything that is anywhere near him.

Post Covid – Post Summer

I will admit that I have not felt the least bit like my normal self for the whole month of August. However, September has brought with it a renewed sense of well-being and positive outlook. Honestly, can say I do feel like I am back to myself again. This past week I have done three good walks, one that was cut short by a sudden, rather violent storm, and the other two were the full almost 5 miles. Lucky for me the club house is open and I was able to take shelter during the storm and discovered they have a good supply of my favorite Earl Grey tea on hand. The dogs and I sat there for quite awhile watching this storm go through. The walking has really put me back on my feet so to speak and I really do think I am going to be just fine. Certainly had my doubts there for awhile. I was that sick and I have had four vaccinations.


Just starting to feel like cooking again. We are going to a Labor (Labour) Day picnic and I made potato salad and tomato salad to go with our hamburgers. Here I share a recipe that I made up. It is delicious.

Lulu’s Potato Salad

Plain Yogurt

I cooked the potatoes until they were soft but not too soft. Then I cooked the onions. (My new secret) Slice or chop the onions, put in a microwave safe container and cover with a good splash of olive oil and salt. Cook for 2 1/2 minutes. Onions should be soft and clear. Chop the celery. Put celery, potatoes and onions in a bowl. Mix the mayo, yogurt and pesto together and add to the potato mix. Refrigerate until ready to eat. Hmm, hmm good.

This entry was posted on September 3, 2023, in journey. Bookmark the permalink.