It’s October. What a glorious fall it has been so far. The best weather really. Warm sunny days, cool evenings good for sleeping.
Walking Dogs

We are in Canada, briefly. Thus we took the dogs, all three of them, for a walk. Since they need to be on leash for part of the walk, I enlisted the help of my partner in taking them for a good hike. We ended up at Manoir Hovey inspecting the new spa and looking at the hole where the new construction is going in. Always something going on there. As I look at this picture I see small, medium and large in dog sizes. Amazing they all looked at the camera at the same time, even John! Most of the week I have walked the Rail Trail and that has been going very well. We have a pretty good routine now so it’s become quite comfortable. One little snag is Percy tends to get car sick. Not sure what to do about it.
Birthday Week

Someone had a birthday this week. We had a family dinner with birthday cake and ice cream. I’ve discovered these great French roasts that are yummy and easy to grill. So that was dinner and the cake was made from scratch. Yes I made a mess and yes it was delicious. My favorite of all time is Rée Drummond’s Epiphany Cake minus all the charms. Here is the link: https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a10908/epiphany-cake/
An Anniversary of Sorts

On October 1st, 2019 we closed on Jenny Lane. The bent key should have been the clue to our money pit. However, it’s been quite the ride and all of us have fallen in love with the house, the neighborhood, and are proud of what we have accomplished with a little help from our friends. If only we could get that last bathroom finished. It’s taking such a long time and it really shouldn’t. However, we are patient and one day it will be done.

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all. Have a wonderful week. Love Lou