Week 36 – Mix

Walking in a Summer Wonderland

What a great week for walking.  The weather, while rather hot at the beginning of the week, ended the week at the perfect late summer Canadian temperature.  I started the week off with a fantastic walk in New Hampshire.  I was visiting my grandchildren and they live on the side of a mountain in the middle of the state.  The beginning of the walk is all downhill.  I encountered a family of wild turkeys, mum and dad and 12 babies, in the field below their house.  It was a nice walk/jog down the hill and I kept talking to myself about getting ready to climb back up.  It’s a little over a mile down hill and it is another mile or so on the flat and then a mighty three miles back up the hill.  The very last part is the steepest and at that point I was tired and wishing that I had a ride but I pushed through it with only one stop and made it back to the house.  My time was pretty good too coming in at an hour and half.  This set me up for the rest of the week.  Because of other commitments I wasn’t able to walk on Tuesday and Wednesday but Thursday started a three day marathon of hills and woods walking.  My goal is 25 miles a week and I came in at 21.1 miles which is acceptable.

The dogs are doing so well with their sport collars and my they do love being out in the hills and the woods.  Our best walk through the woods brought us into a field where they flushed out a herd of deer.  My brother and I just gaped at the deer leaping through the field and couldn’t believe it.  We had an extra dog with us and all four dogs behaved beautifully and didn’t chase the deer although they were certainly surprised and very interested in the activity.  The air in the woods is so rich that you feel as if your lungs are getting a thorough cleaning out.  We certainly take big deep breaths.  The magic for me in walking, along with the excellent exercise, is the feelings of happiness that goes along with it.  Both my brother and I love being out there walking or hiking the hills.  We comment often at how lucky we are to be able to do this and thankful the weather this summer has supported an almost continuous opportunity to be outdoors for several hours each day.

Cleaning up Trash

We always do our best when walking to pick up any trash we find along the roads or stream beds.  However, this week brought a very interesting find that we could not pick up.  It was a dressing table and stool that we believe fell off a truck accidentally.  My brother climbed down into the ditch to retrieve the items and the dogs couldn’t contain their curiosity.  We left it sitting by the side of the road waiting to be claimed either by its rightful owner or perhaps someone who passed by and thought it looked of interest.  I love how the pups wanted to get right in there and help.  Thought you might like to see what the table looked like.

Training for the Pledge the Pink

Last year my daughter Katie and I walked in our first PTP three day three island walk.  It is a fund raiser, yes, but more than that it is a terrific opportunity to participate in something bigger than ourselves.  It was the highlight of our fall and we are sure it will be again this year.  The opportunity to see three different islands, to meet people from all over the country and for just a few hours to lose yourself in the event while committing to walking 10 miles each day for three days.

The above is our training plan for the next eight (8) weeks.  If you want some fun you could walk along with us. You get rest days and you have some push days.  If you would like to donate in honor or in memory of a loved one or you just want to support us, please do so by clicking on this link:  Pledge The Pink Donate Link

Dynamic Ageing Part 1

Last year I took part in a Dynamic Ageing workshop and loved it.  I bought the book and read from start to finish.  What really stayed with me from both the workshop and the book is that we all should consider adding movement into our day and not just walking or working out at the gym.  Finding ways to move that you don’t usually do, non-repetitive moves, is a challenge and it can be fun as well as incredibly important to not ageing prematurely.  You might recall that I actually climbed a tree, something I haven’t done in years.  I practice squatting when I am on the golf course and have to pick up a golf ball or make an adjustment of some kind, the secret is to get back up without using your hands.  It is harder than you think if it isn’t something you do all the time.  My legs are strong and I work on balance doing some yoga poses but I had a real opportunity to see how strong I was when I needed to cross a stream.  I easily leaped from the shore, to a large rock, to another rock and before I knew it I was standing proudly on the other side of the stream. How’s that for a 69 year old grandmother?

Fueling your body

Breakfast for many is an important start to the day.  Starting the day sitting at a pretty table in the corner of a porch or a sunny kitchen really starts the day off well.  I love oatmeal, especially in the cooler months.  I found this recipe this week and think I will try it if the weather cools off.  Right now September is pretty warm.  The recipe was shared through IIN.

Blueberry Banana Cashew Baked Oatmeal


1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 mashed ripe banana, or 1 tsp maple syrup for sweetness
1 dash of cinnamon or more to taste

Superfood add-ins (optional)

1 tsp maca powder
1 scoop collagen peptides
1 tbsp flax or chia seeds (my favorite)

Flavor add-ins

1/2 cup blueberries
2 tbsp raw cashews
1/2 sliced banana
1 tbsp natural nut butter


Preheat oven to 350F anad lightly grease a small baking dish with olive oil.  Mix all base and superfood add-ins in a bowl.  Toss in most of the blueberries and all cashews.  Pour mixture into dish and add sliced banana on top.  Bake for about 20 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool.  Add remaining blueberries and drizzle nut butter.  You could also add a scoop of Greek or dairy-free yogurt.

Wyke, Bean and their good friend Nala Wish you a wonderful week.  Love Louise