Week 31 – Summer Fun

Lake Temagami in 2019

We are at the end of the month of July and cresting on the month of August. I cannot believe how fast the summer has gone. It stretched out in front of us back in April with what looked like months of settling in and getting to be comfortable again in our house in Canada. We had a wedding to go to, an anniversary to celebrate, some birthdays to honor and then a visit from the littlest Moses to liven up the place. The big kids went off to camp in June, Jack to be a staff for the first time and Libby to do a Bay trip. It seemed to be a long way off before the end of camp and yet here we are. In two days we will depart Quebec for Ontario. Many steps to get us there including repairing the trailer for the boat which we had not planned on and shopping for multiple meals for multiple people in an area where there are no stores close by so you better remember everything you need or go without. Throw a party to introduce some new friends to our comfortable old friends and it has been a whirlwind of a month.

Lists and More Lists

I make lists and then I make more lists and then I put all the lists together and make another list. We have boxes dedicated to this trip to Lake Temagami. There is a box full of staples such as coffee filters, salt and pepper, laundry soap and regular soap, napkins and table cloths and even candles – don’t forget the matches or a lighter. We have folding chairs and boxes of wine and beer. We have a box full of things that are for Edie B. and another full of things for the dogs. Freezer bags full of food and another full of dry goods. Menus are planned out but are open to adjustment depending on the mood of those who are there. It is a fun, challenging, exciting, and full of anticipation time. Two of us plus two dogs will leave here but we will bring back two more humans on our return. Where will we put their stuff? And what have we forgotten?

Quick Jenny Lane Update

We made a quick trip to New Hampshire at the beginning of the week to check on the house and to get haircuts and vet appointments for the cats and one dog. We also took in a musical at The Barn Playhouse which happened to be Mama Mia one of my favorites. While there we weeded the vegetable and flower gardens and planted some perennials in the new weeping cherry garden. They don’t look like much right now but with some loving care and time they should fill in and be quite pretty. The house looks great now that the painting is finished and even the lawn is looking pretty good. The vegetable garden was a mess but there is lots of squash to share and the blueberry bushes are just full of berries. When I arrived I ran into our plumber’s son who had just finished hooking up the shower in our bathroom. I was pretty excited about that and of course had to try it. No glass surround or shower curtain but it worked perfectly and I didn’t splash too much water on the floor. What a treat it will be when it is really finished.

Update on Lakeside Cottage

While we were away in New Hampshire, our guys in Canada started to sand and paint the two sides of the house that get hit by the most weather. It hadn’t been done in at least 15 or maybe even 18 years and was in real need of being painted. Of course we were hosting a party for 24 people on the porch on Friday night. To say we cut it close is an understatement but they cleaned up and were out of there by 3pm. They left a power washer with us and my sister, who was visiting, was in seventh heaven as she used it to clean the area around the front door and to wash the railing and the floor of the porch. Wish you could have seen her wielding that thing around. The end product was a beautiful clean porch and a sparkling new paint job. At noon it looked like the above so I wasn’t sure we were going to make it. However, the party was a success.

A Wonderful Hike

At least once a summer (except during covid) my brother and sister and I get to go for a hike in our favorite woods. We managed to do so this weekend and it was just glorious. We had four dogs – our two, my sister’s grand dog and my brother’s grand dog. All got along famously and stayed together in a pack (except for one time when Bean took off after some turkeys). Everyone was tired at the end of it but totally happy. My brother says it amuses him to watch me work my way across the stream leaping from one stone to the other. I am not as confident as I once was but I can still do it. Here they are watching me safely from the other side.

I am going to take a break next week as I will be up in Ontario and the internet is not all that reliable. However, I will be enjoying my grandchildren and watching them come in from trip and will hopefully have some good photos to share on my return.