Tag Archive | heart health

Week 7 – Heaven

Super Bowl of Fun

We are in Mexico with our great friends of 47 1/2 years.  Next weeks story.

It was a great game!  Enough said.  I am pushing this week to get my presentation done for my class that will be taught on the 19th of February, two days after I get back from vacation in Mexico.  Somehow it always comes down to this, too little time and too many ideas.  I keep going over it and thinking of more things that need to be done.  The biggest thing was my website.  It has been a couple of years since I updated it because it is not the focus of what I do, the blog is.  It occurred to me that if I was going to present to a group of people that they might actually go to the website to see what I am all about.  The information that was there was not where I am today.  You hear all the time that we evolve from one stage to another but when you do something like this you really see it pretty clearly.  So right in the middle of putting together the presentation I decided to update the website.  Took down all the pages that were there that spoke about Health Coaching in the traditional IIN way and put up some pages about who I am today and what I am focused on for now.  Let me tell you, it is time consuming.  You open up one path and it opens another and another and the next thing you know you are in a forest and you have to figure out what the trees are.  It’s fun, yes, I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t but it requires a lot of thinking and researching and design.  The basic format is good but I am really about ready for a totally new look.  A little drastic to attempt just before vacation and a presentation so I will hold off on that until I return.

Speaking of websites, as I worked through a few things this week I was asked to help with yet another website for a volunteer organization.  It is something that I love to do and I believe it is the learning something new that appeals to me.  I now manage eight different websites.  They are totally different but have one thing in common, they are all WordPress websites.  The satisfaction I get from figuring out how to do something that a client (volunteer client) wants is thrilling.  The dissatisfaction is that almost no one but me really understands how cool it is so when I get excited about a discovery poor John tries to understand and be supportive but I know it goes over his head.  He’s a good sport.


I wake up to very blue skies and equally blue water.  The temperature is perfect and a walk on the beach is invigorating but oh so difficult.  Why?  Because the sand is soft and very, very course.  I walked two miles on my first day and in bare feet.  So good for all those muscles and tendons in the feet that don’t get used in shoes but it was like walking on a pumice stone.  Also, because of the dangerous rip tides we are not allowed to walk in the water.  No swimming or fishing.  We do see the whales and they come quite close to the shore.  When we were here four years ago we went on a whale watching cruise.  I was scared the whole time.  We were in a large zodiac and I figured a whale could flip us quite easily if he wanted to.  Watching the whales from the beach or the balcony is a happier way for me.

Thanks to the new awareness of Dynamic Ageing, I am becoming more and more aware of how I move every day.  I no longer use my arms to get out of a chair and have consciously made myself get up from the floor by getting into a squat position and standing up using just my legs and not arms to help.  After three weeks I can do it without thinking about it.  Simple little changes that can have profound long term effects.

While Walking


On the beach I met this little guy.  He looks like an all white hedgehog with the cutest face.  Unfortunately he was eaten by a seagull.  Sad story.

Where are the Fur Crowd

It is good to get away but I’m always a little apprehensive about our fur babies when we are gone.  No need to worry about Wyke.  He is with his best girl friend Abby for a week at the greatest doggie hotel ever.  They are roommates in side by side kennels and have a huge yard to play in all day.  In addition many of his other friends go there for doggie daycare from time to time.  It’s the best pup vacation ever.  The kittens are at home with their favorite sitter who comes in to play every day.  She spoils them with toys and treats, keeps their litter clean and the food bowls full.  They are very social and interact with humans more like a dog than a cat.  For example, they run to the door as soon as they hear someone coming and stare out the window until the person gets inside then they follow you all around the house.  I’ve enjoyed the company of many cats over 49 years but never ones as socially interactive as these girls.  Your test is to tell me which one is Wyke in this photo!

Recipe of the Week

I am repeating last weeks recipe for Sweet Potato muffins because they are that good.  I made them this week so John and I could have something healthy to eat early in the morning before we left.  We had to get up pretty early to catch our flight out of Savannah, like 5:30, so it had to be quick and easy.  John drove and I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, the parade of nations, thanks to the NBC app on my iPhone.  You know, that in itself, was amazing.  I don’t think we had that sophisticated technology four years ago.   Reminds me of the book I just finished, Dan Brown’s “Origin”, great holiday read.  Enjoy the muffins.

Sweet Potato Muffins